Classic Car Appraisal Services in Sabine Pass, Texas
If you are like us, you love your car. You have probably spent countless hours and dollars making it everything you have always dreamed of. We, like you, enjoy being around car people, and more importantly cars themselves.
Although car people love to spend time and money on their cars, they all too often forget to properly value their car for insurance purposes. Dollar after dollar goes in, but never gets properly documented so that if a catastrophic event strikes, the real cost of putting the car back together gets paid by the insurance company. As collector car owners ourselves, we understand the importance of our product first hand. Fill out the form on the right to get started on your on-site Sabine Pass car appraisal.
Serving Sabine Pass
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Facts about Sabine Pass
Sabine Pass community is a neighborhood in Jefferson County within the Beaumont−Port Arthur Metropolitan Statistical Area of the U.S. state of Texas. It lies at Sabine Pass, on the west bank of the Sabine River, the border between Louisiana and Texas, and was incorporated in 1861. Although the city was formally annexed by Port Arthur in 1978, Sabine Pass has continued to maintain semi-autonomy with a separate school district, post office, water district, and port authority. Police and fire protection is provided by Port Arthur.
Sabine Pass was the site of two naval battles, the First Battle of Sabine Pass, and the Second Battle of Sabine Pass, as well as land skirmishes that occurred around the historic Sabine Pass Lighthouse during the Civil War.
In 1832, Thomas Corts (of England) and John McGaffey (of New Hampshire) were among the first settlers of the Sabine Pass area. Stephen Hendrickson Everitt (1806–1844) wrote a letter to Republic of Texas President Mirabeau B. Lamar on March 11, 1839, seeking to establish a post office in the area. There was already a Republic of Texas custom's house, established in 1837, as well as a United States customs house at Garrison Ridge, and the nearest post office was 40 miles away. On October 19, 1839, Everitt, representing John Bevil, filed an intention with Chief Justice Palmer in Jasper County, to form a city to be known as City of the Pass with 1600 acres and 2500 lots, but was unsuccessful. There is some confusion as to if this was Sabine Pass that he had previously written about or an intended city to the south. Records also indicate that in 1839, Sam Houston, along with Philip Sublette and associates, laid out what is referred to as "the first townsite of Sabine", containing 2,060 lots with Niles F. Smith as the agent. Niles was appointed collector of revenue for the port of Sabine 1842. Philip Sublett and Houston were friends and associates. Houston stayed with Sublett while recuperating from wound received at San Jacinto. In 1836, Sublett nominated Houston for president of the Republic of Texas.
Sabine Pass is outside of the Jefferson County levee system, which protects other communities in the county.